Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday morning blues

I just spoke with Vlad on the phone. He had a bad night. The cough seems to be getting worse again. He didn't get a lot of sleep between the coughing and the constant need to pee. Nurse LaVorne is requesting from doc that his cough medicine dose be increased. Vlad says the sleeping pill does nothing for him.

He's also frustrated by questions about the disease. We all want to understand the leukemia and there are so many variables, you can't know what's going to happen, especially with regard to treatment. "When will this happen?" I don't know. "What to expect?" I don't know. And talking about the progression is scary. Plus this illness happened so fast, he hasn't really had time to get used to the idea that he has cancer.

This morning he's full of reality. Not a happy camper.


Bill H. said...

Your right this happened suddenly but I just got home and you guys are doing it right-IMHO.

It’s always hard in the beginning of anything this large, you guys are very strong and meeting the challenge on all fronts. Truly enjoyed giving anything of worth to you both and happy to be with you this weekend. Hey I’m a Rockets Fan and didn’t know it!
What was with all the penalty calls the 3rd qrt?
Laura you should keep your journal of all the visits/treatments Vlad has had, going, it answers time related things and proves its’ importance over and over again.

I liked all the nurses/attendants especially Marcie and LaVorne, the weekend isn’t a bustle with staff at any hospital and would agree the on call doctor was fruitless of information, however Mon. is a different day.

The story board is he got there with some complications, although more importantly still early, kidneys not well sinus problems then some congestion. A lot has been addressed and the symptoms were improved greatly all the while the chemo has been doing its’ thang.
What a rollercoaster indeed! Before I left tonight we received word from LaVorne that Vlad’s blood is showing white cell count at 4 and that a blood transfusion is in order. I think things will be more focused on the Leukemia from here out, and folks you better be in good shape to visit no risk of infection allowed!

It was an honor to have Nick visit and I real hoot, as always, to visit with Liliya and meet Nailiya, all well-wishers par excellence’, so very nice these friends.

See you soon,
Brother Bill

Laura Weisman said...

Bill, it was such a comfort having you with us this weekend! We love you very much and hope to see you back here again soon. (But maybe you should pack some power tools, just in case?) Just kidding ... Mwah!