Friday, March 28, 2008

No pain, no gain

Vlad's doing just fine. He's still having terrible mouth pain and pain in his arm from the relocated port, but he's responding normally to the chemo, which is to say he's miserable. His blood numbers are still down. He got another a blood transfusion today. He's also developed a rash over most of his body, but the doctor said it's not unusual and that they'll watch it, but it's nothing to get upset about. Vlad may start feeling better early next week. His numbers should improve and his hair should fall out. We hope he'll be able to come home by the end of next week, but we'll have to wait and see.

I'm sorry I haven't posted. A few of you called to make sure all was OK. I just got a case of exhaustion. I was at the hospital this morning, but stayed home in bed the rest of the day, totally conked out. And yesterday morning I slept rather than clean house. I hope to be better tomorrow morning.

Mom's staying until Vlad comes home. I tried to get her to go back to her life, but there's too much to do here. I'm worried about working full-time next week. I may be trying to do too much. We'll play it by ear.

Thank you for your prayers and calls and cards and e-mails.

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