Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dr. Malik and the X-rays

The pulmonary specialist Dr. Malik came today. He suspects bronchitis and possibly a sinus infection. With Malik came more drugs and more X-rays. Vlad should have an easier night.

Liliya and Larisa visited tonight and brought meat cutletas and mashed potatoes, one of Vlad's favorite meals. Liliya visited last night with a bigger crew: Karina, Nayilia and Fuad. Karina was hit by a drunken driver on the way home, but is OK and the SUV is drivable. They were dealing with it with the cops until 1 a.m. The other driver, a woman dressed to the 9s, tried to drive away twice but Liliya and Karina (driving separate vehicles) boxed her in and waited for the cops. Scary.

John visited at lunchtime again. Joseph from Pittsburgh called and my brother, who is arriving tomorrow, called to say he'll be at the hospital 7ish tomorrow night. He says he's going to shave his head in solidarity. Awesome gesture. I'm going to put him to work. Poor baby has no idea. :) Talked to Mom a couple of times. And Linda sent an e-mail greeting. She's had chemo, and was talking about the beeping IV lines. Funny, because it seems like that's all they did all day. They get crossed funny or crimped and the machine goes nuts like that robot on Lost in Space: "Downward Occlusion! Downward Occlusion!"

So tomorrow, we hope for news that Vlad is closer to the end of the cough from hell with the help of codeine and antibiotics and whatever else. He's not feeling any side effects of the chemo yet.

Long day tomorrow.

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