Saturday, March 22, 2008

Saturday report: Yucky day

Vlad is feeling the effects of the chemo. It was inevitable. He's feverish and just not feeling good. His white count was 500 this morning; a new low. His fever was 100.5 this afternoon and 99.5 tonight. But his BP and blood sugar are very good. The doctor thinks he may have a little virus, which is common.

He got a lot of tests today. Chest X-ray and blood tests. We suspect they're assessing him after one week. We'll talk to the doc on Monday about that.

Linda and Terry were there today. Was great to see them. They brought a fish hat/pen, sweets (with and without sugar), card games and more. We had a great visit. Alex also came by. He had a smoothie and was still a bit chipmunk-ish. Came back home for a shower and Mom, Bill and I went out for steak. Then we went to visit Vlad again. He had another blood transfusion tonight. He's getting a lot of antibiotics.

I've got a scratchy throat, which I think is the result of allergies, but I wore a mask today for the first time. I may be coming down with something.

At the house, "The Tully Work Camp," Bill hung new blinds in the kitchen, took out the blinds in the stairwell and hung my stained glass; and hung a painting over the fireplace. Mom and I sorted through more boxes of, well, crap. The Jeep is packed to the gills with stuff for Second Blessing.

I'm super tired and dingier than ever. Vlad is sicker. I have my family making sacrifices, which they are happy to do but let's face it, this is not the fun part. Anyway, this has to go down as the hardest day yet.

Sorry for the late post. Thank you all for being here in my virtual reality. It's comforting to know friends and family are reading along.

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