Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 125 - Another new normal

Vlad is doing very well. He's had a new job for two weeks and seems to be handling things well. It's hard to rein him in. He is a naturally gregarious and busy person and is difficult to contain these days.

He understands his limits only when he hits the wall. He always hits it full force. He will suddenly lose all his energy. You can see it in his face. He droops from the soul. Wherever we are, we head home. But even then, a nap is unlikely. He'll mess at his computer for hours.

Saturday we went to a family get-together at Alex and Kelley's apartment. It was mostly Kelley's family; her grandmother and an aunt were in from Michigan and they invited Vlad and I and Alex's mom, Lana, and her husband, John, and little Anna to come over and meet everyone.

I was nervous about going; I only had met a few people in Kelley's family and only briefly. But we had a great time; they were fun, interesting and kind. These folks were all Kathleen's family, Kelley's mother. (pictured with Alex and Kelley).

Alex was well at home with all of them, especially Kelley's younger cousins, who have a real fondness for Alex. Being there with all of them, it is easy to see they probably have a great future together. And we're happy for Alex. It's a great family. And he's happy. It doesn't get any better.

Alex cooked fajitas rather expertly just like his dad, so there were some familiar threads that made us feel very satisfied. It was an unexpectedly wonderful day.