Sunday, March 23, 2008

An Easter to forget

Tough day. Vlad's fever went up to 103. At present, it's back to normal. Blood cultures show it's a "neutropenic" fever, not an infection, so there's some good news.

I spent the day at the hospital. He seems to be calmer when I'm there. Bill came by before he had to leave. Alex stopped in before going back to school. Alex is still drinking smoothies, but is doing much better than I would be doing at this point. Mom held the fort at home.

Vlad's in for about two weeks of this misery, but we pray that on the other side of it he will be much better. Or at least stronger for the next round of chemo or whatever it will take.

Very tired, going to bed. ... Visiting is not so good now. Phone calls are fine.

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