Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Looking to the weekend

Vlad had a very good day. (And it's the first day I have not visited; hmm.) Valia and Sasha went by tonight with mashed potatoes and fish cutletas. He was so happy that he could actually chew again. Dr. Malick and the palliative care nurse, whose name escapes me, both visited today and congratulated Vlad on his impending Friday departure. That doesn't make it official, but it does lend credence to the rumor.

I worked from 8 to 4. From about 8 to 9 Jenny briefed me on what I missed. Oy vay. I did pretty well until about 2 pm, then started hacking like a smoker. Stuck it out till 4 and headed home instead of the hospital. Laid down for awhile, went to dinner at the grill around the corner with Mom and we went to buy a few groceries. Been resting since. Not a lot better. Never heard about the chest X-ray. Probably nothing.

Will be at the hospital in the morning to talk to Conlon, then to the office. I don't know what Friday will be like. I imagine they'll start the process of releasing him in the morning and he won't actually get to leave until late afternoon. I'll probably just go to work and hope I'm not needed until later in the day. We'll see.

Bill comes Friday evening and Mom's staying until Sunday morning. So there will be a full house this weekend. And there's still loads to do. But this place looks and breathes much better. Poor Mom's been hacking today. The dust finally getting to her.

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