Sunday, April 6, 2008

Back to normalcy

Had a great weekend. Vlad is improving, feeling pretty good, eating everything in sight and overdoing things slightly. His mouth is much better. More hair falling out. He's starting to look a bit "fuzzy" on the head.

Mom cooked a pot roast Saturday night. We had some champagne to celebrate Vlad's homecoming and ate the meal on the china. We inhaled it all and we all were asleep by 10 p.m. Real party animals.

Mom left before 9 a.m. today and arrived safely home in Fort Worth. All were very happy to see her, none moreso than the family dog, Pepper. Bill left around 2 for Austin after we had a great fish feast at Goode's Seafood Co., on I-10.

I had psychotic fears the house would implode immediately into a huge dump of dust and clutter within hours of my mother's departure, but so far, so good. We've been relaxing and puttering to keep it clean and picked up most of the day.

My cough is 90% gone. Had more rest today than I've had in weeks, which helped.

Got lots of wonderful calls today from Aunt Katie, Sasha, Liliya, John among others.

Vlad has a doctor's appointment Wednesday. We think it's for the post-chemo bone marrow biopsy, but we're not sure yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome home Vlad! We are so glad to hear that you are home and that you and Laura are feeling better. You continue to be in our daily prayers.
Love, Marla Jim and Kate