Tuesday, April 8, 2008

All's quiet

Things have calmed down a bit. No double trips to the hospital. No frantic vacuuming. Less sneezing and coughing.

Vlad is doing well. He's weak. And he's tired of being weak. The hair is falling out slowly. He drove to the mailbox today and it tired him out briefly. He's got some numbness in his toes. Don't know whether that's circulation problems or some chemo side-effect. His fingertips still ache from a month of blood glucose tests in the hospital.

Tomorrow he goes to see Conlon. We think it's the marrow biopsy. I'm a little concerned about him driving himself down there and back, and walking through the maze of the med center. He assures me he'll be fine. Yikes.

Scott from McGrath Pest Control came to check the rat traps again today. No rats, dead or otherwise. He said he thinks we're ratless, but left the baited traps in the attic for good measure.

Vlad and I have kept everything very clean so far. Keeping fingers crossed.


Anonymous said...

Glad to know you are both doing better. I hope you will go with Vlad tomorrow. He can't have the endurance for the trip, the wait, procedure, etc. He may get completely exhausted and then take several days getting over it. Of course, I'm always the mother with lots of advice! Love to you both. Mom

Unknown said...

I'm not going to give any advice other than to say that Grams is usually 100 percent right!

Hope you both continue to rest and recover.

Our happy news is that Ginny got her braces off today!