Tuesday, April 1, 2008

All about the numbers

White count up to 1.3 today! Vlad's feeling much better. They didn't do differential blood tests this morning so there's no neutrophil count to report. Platelets are up, however. Yay.

He ate more today than he's eaten in at least two days. His mouth sores are diminishing slightly. This first round appears to be abating. Hold that thought tight!

I'm going to work tomorrow for the first time in more than two weeks. It will be strange but I look forward to it. I feel better today. Felt great until about 4 p.m. when the cough returned. But doing better now. Vlad's room is a toasty 80 degrees these days, which may be part of that problem.

Cautionary tale du jour: Mom locked herself out of the house this morning for about an hour and a half. I was sleeping with vicodin cough medicine in my veins and plugs in my ears and couldn't hear her knocking or honking the car horn. A neighbor did and offered her a cup of coffee and to drill through the door knob, but Mom declined both kind offers. I felt horrible of course, especially because I hadn't told her where the spare key was kept. I told her it was OK if she went home today. She declined that offer also, and said we'd laugh about it one day.

You're asking why didn't she call? She didn't know the number. I don't know too many people's numbers myself anymore. My mother is "4" on my cell phone. My husband's cell is "2" on my cell, home is "17" and his work is "77." This doesn't help when you get locked out.

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