Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday morning

Vlad's feeling pretty good this morning, but still no appetite. He ate the yogurt and juice off the breakfast tray, even though he didn't want it.

Bill and I were with Vlad until he fell asleep last night. We watched poker most of the night. Vlad's WBC had fallen to 4.4 yesterday, which is not surprising, the nurses said, but I don't remember his WBC dropping this fast before. It was over 10 when he checked in. Yesterday platelets were 525 and hemoglobin 9.9.

He wasn't feeling real swell. He ate the Beck's hamburger we brought about 2 and some fries. If you've had a Beck's burger, you know that's a pretty ample meal, so I wasn't too worried when he wouldn't eat anything but the Jell-o from his dinner plate at 5:30, but nothing else. He didn't eat any of his hospital lunch.

His back pain returned on and off yesterday. They can give him two Vicodin every 4 hours, which they did. He looks puffy; has a perpetual "just woke up" look on his face. And his blood pressure remains on the low side, but nothing it's not serious.

It's a different ballgame every time he goes in.

Bill made white bread with our bread machine. He has the exact machine we have. Weird! We got some of that killer HEB chicken salad to make sandwiches. He also got some Sumatra coffee at Starbucks yesterday and made a pot this morning. It's wonderful.

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