Friday, May 16, 2008

Blood pressure weirdness

This morning, Vlad's blood pressure was 90/56. They gave him something and now it's 100/60. He's had high blood pressure for the past couple of years, but doesn't take his meds while he's in the hospital at doc's request. So this has gotta be a chemo thing.

Last night he felt very strange about an hour after his chemo was through. Slight nausea and a clammy sweat on his head, shoulders and back. He hadn't had that before. Maybe his blood pressure fell? I stayed till well after 10 because I was concerned, but soon he fell asleep and was snoring like the old man I know, so I left him there, comfortable and at rest.

Conlon stuck his head in around 6 a.m. and declared Vlad "OK" and said his blood numbers were "great" then vanished. We don't know if he's been advised of the blood pressure. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but just worth watching closely.

Liliya called last night. Her grandson, Dylan, has been running a 105-degree fever. They were coming home from the hospital emergency room last night (2nd night in a row) after his fever finally came down to 100.

It's hard to understand in her not-so-good English, but I think he has something that's going around and possibly a virus because they told her there's nothing more they can do. And I know viruses have to run their course, pretty much. Scary.

Bill's coming tonight. I'm relieved. I need the company.

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