Thursday, May 1, 2008

Back in the pokey

Vlad was sentenced to another stay at MHSW when he showed up at Conlon's this morning with a 100.8 degree fever. He had gone in for a platelet transfusion but the fever changed the priorities. He finally got settled in around noon. The chemo is making his veins difficult to work with, so opening a line took the better part of an hour. In the end it took no less than 4 R.N.s to accomplish the task. He was in considerable pain off and on.

He's there probably through Sunday. He's in a different room: 1007. The number there is 713-778-7025. He also has his cell phone.

His numbers this morning: White cells 1.0, hemoglobin 9.3 and platelets 15,000. Now he's getting antibiotics through a drip. He's feeling "better," but it takes very little excitement for him to nosedive.

We had a mini-reunion with Clementine, LaVorne and Sarasu. Clementine was talking trash about the Rockets again. (Typical Lakers fan)

Anyway, came home for awhile to take a nap. Last night I pulled double duty and did today's work as well as yesterday's. So tomorrow I'll have to work all the more to get the weekend's work done. But it was nice not having to worry about work and the clock today.

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