Friday, December 25, 2009

Day 10 - A sunny Merry Christmas!

It's a beautiful, clear, crisp and cool Christmas Day in Houston. The doctors made their rounds a little after 8 a.m. Vlad is doing very well. His numbers are coming up quickly and the doctors were very impressed. It's a great Christmas gift.

He had some nausea after they left. Marisol, his nurse, gave him some Zofran for that. He's sleeping very well now and probably will sleep for some time. He didn't sleep well last night. Before bed, he had hip and thigh pain (the marrow thing) that on their 1-10 pain scale rated a 12, and he's not a wienie about pain. He was maxed out on pain meds, one of which was oxycodone. This morning his pain has subsided. He managed to eat breakfast, an apple turnover, one of his favorite foods ever, which was last night's dessert.

The IT nurse came around 9 to change his dressing. She was awesome. She's originally from Barbados. She's a longtime nurse and I marveled how she could tell me her stories like it was the beauty shop and yet never let her sterile right hand become contaminated.

I saved the Christmas stockings for today. I went out to the car to get the bags that my mother so lovingly put together with the stocking stuff. When I got back, he was too sleepy to do anything. It's good he can sleep.

I had breakfast downstairs. The hospital volunteers are all setting up a huge buffet for patients and caregivers. People like that give you hope. When I walked out into the lobby a man was playing the piano beautifully. It was "Here Comes the Sun." It really moved me, with the sun shining in and the words floating through my head, "Here comes the sun, doo-din-doo-da, here comes the sun, and I said, 'It's all right ...' "

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