Saturday, June 21, 2008

The old man is snoring

Consolidation-chemo #3 finds Vlad very sleepy. The familiar back pain between the shoulderblades has returned, but vicodin takes care of it.

Today's numbers are 5.4 white blood cells, 10.6 hemoglobin, and 225 platelets. They're already headed downhill after one treatment. We're hoping they won't dive into neutropenia before we can get to San Antonio for our mini-family reunion a week from today. It's going to be tricky. He may have to wear a mask. I don't know if he would do that.

He's still sleepy, but not in much pain and the time seems to be passing pretty quickly this time.

Getting my work finished at the end of the week is, in general, a joke. I still have plenty to do. I'm going to take my laptop to the hospital today and see if I can work from there.

My neighbor / garden blogger Bill was working in his garage when I got home last night. He recently blogged on about buying whisky barrels and using them as rain barrels at his fiancee's house. I promoted this blog on homepage. He told me last night one of the local TV stations saw it and now wants to do a feature about him and his barrels. He blogs at to promote the Mercer Arboretum. Now he's trying to figure out a way to promote both and Mercer in the video spot. We'll see. The funny thing is, his girlfriend got him involved in gardening; she's a Master Gardener. But she will have nothing to do with the spotlight. I've never even met her!

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