Thursday, June 5, 2008

It's a struggle this week

As Vlad enters what "normally" would be his window of normality, three weeks after chemo started, he's not bouncing back, well, normally.

It's hard to know what constitutes reality with chemo. This chemo fallout has been worse than the first consolidation. But not as bad as the initial chemo. His numbers are bouncing back, except for hemoglobin. He's extremely anemic. He gets dizzy, nauseous and has a racing heartbeat sometimes. He's had a very mild low-grade fever off and on for the past few days.

I worked at home today; and he was a little better. He gets kind of emotionally down when he spends too much time alone. I plan to go back downtown tomorrow to work. I think it'll be OK. Alex is in town, and I had hoped he would stay with him some, but he's a kid and doesn't really "get" how much his dad needs him. He spent some "quality time" with him when he first got in from SA, but that's been it.

Being sick for months is inconvenient. That's not a criticism; it's just one of the things that constitutes this reality. Everybody is tired of it. Like they're saying, "Let's move on."

We'd love to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Laura & Vlad,

There comes a time when you just have to accept that normal now is not what normal used to be. Normal used to be, unfortunately, is in the past.

I know with my divorce, I kept wishing it was 6 months from now because I knew in 6 months all of this would be behind me. I didn't know what would lie ahead of me, but I knew it had to be better than what I was going through at the time.

If I could, I would wish you both a fast forward button to 3 months from now. Of course, I don't know what normal would be for the two of you then, but it's gotta be better than this.

You're halfway through the marathon and the finish line is almost in sight. Keep going and we'll all help you figure out the rest along the way.

Love you both,
