Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 49

Vlad was at hospital most of the day with infusions and whatnot. It's routine now.

I had to work at home because we're getting new siding on the front of the house. Four workers banging on the house all day. And they had to turn the water off for awhile. I'm glad the freeze killed most of my plants because I don't think they would survive this. It looks like a war zone out there. I've never seen so much scaffolding in such a small area.

And they're all day screaming at each other in Spanish. It sounds like they're arguing. I. Hate. Arguing. Just like Russian. The Russian spoken at dinner parties always makes me nervous. It sounds like they're saying, "Shutup! You're a stupid cow! Why don't you just do us all a favor and leave!" And what they're actually saying is more like, "Pass the mashed potatoes! I am crazy for them!"

At one point the garbage truck came. The folks across the street are moving out and they're begging the trash guys to take the couch and the La-Z-Boy and the coffee tables. And these trash guys are crushing them up. (They took our old water heater a few years ago, much to my surprise. It sounded like a large animal dying when they crushed it.)

Anyhoo, here's our guys with this huge Crew Cab pickup and a very long t-neck flatbed trailer. They're blocking 3 driveways, and trash. Between them and the garbage truck, there is no access or egress for anyone else. My cat's wandering around, children riding bikes in and around the mess.

And our crew leader Ricky's trying to get the trash guys to take the construction trash. Ha! They wouldn't. Ricky says it's cool; he'll take it. I'm thinking, yea, you will, it's in the contract. They all pile in the pickup and I open the gate for them. Then the trash foreman Martin comes over to apologize about not taking the 4-foot-by-6-foot plywood sheets and the wood siding. He introduces himself and gives me his elbow to "shake," apparently this being the etiquette for garbage workers. So I shook elbows with the lead trash dude today.

It was the most remarkable trash day ever, if you don't count water-heater day.

Vlad got home just as this surreal cloud of characters from a Fellini film was floating off beyond the gates. Then he grabbed some sour clementines to return to Kroger, where a day earlier they overcharged him by $2.60 for 2 avocadoes and he had to wait in line to get his money back.

"It took me five minutes to shop and 30 minutes to wait to pay and then get a refund," he said, annoyed.

Then he went to HEB to get more clementines. For now he can eat fruit only with a thick skin. Bananas, clementines and avocadoes. So he's pretty serious about it.

He went to bed early. He was pretty tired. That's the biggest thing. Everything else is just amazing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved your commentary on the day! I think there is a story in there somewhere. Glad the shingling is over. Have a wonderful day, Mom