Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 26

Vlad's doing well. He's wondering why he's still losing weight when he eats so much. He's feeling tired but all's well today.

I, on the other hand, had a violent 12 hours of food poisoning (I assume) on Saturday. I'm thankful it wasn't flu (and not contagious), but I'm still a bit wobbly today and am not getting the truckloads of work done this weekend I had envisioned. Alex ran out last night to get me Gatorade and bananas. By 4:30 a.m. it was over and hunger woke me up with big roar. I ate a banana, very slowly, some Gatorade and went back to bed.

Looking back, the only suspicious thing I had was a yard egg in which the raw white was too congealed to be fresh. I figured if I cooked it hard enough, it would kill any bad stuff, and I cooked it to death. That may or may not be the culprit.

Vlad canceled his poker night with Vika and Vassily, which we both hated to do. But I think it was just as well; he really wasn't ready. He went to bed early, and aside from helping me from time to time, slept hard all night.

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