Saturday, August 16, 2008


Sarah, Sammie and Arnold the Hermit Crab.

Poor Vlad has been sick as a dog all week. He's had fever, been sweating through drawers of T-shirts and bed linens. Early this week nothing would stay down. Now, he either has no appetite or has a voracious one. The truth is, he doesn't really know when he's hungry. If I put something in front of him when he says he's not really hungry, he's likely to slowly devour the whole thing and surprise himself. He's kept everything down since Tuesday.

He saw Conlon Monday and all his numbers were on their way back up. He's not neutropenic and he's out of low-platelet danger. He goes back in two weeks and will discuss the post-chemo-hell biopsy. That will be close to 6 weeks after the last chemo, so I suppose they may do the biopsy then. We'll see.

I've been a real basket-case this week. I took Thursday-Friday off as "vacation," which turned out to be a joke, since I had no one to pick up my work. I've been working until I lose the fight against the urge to let out a primal scream. It's not all getting done, but I pity the fool who gives me any grief about it.

I want so desperately for Vlad to be well now. And like a child, I want it over now. Like at the appointed hour, this madness will end. Hurry up, get well, dammit. This, I'm devastated to say, has not been my finest hour. My frustration has been bursting at the seams. I've done a lot of apologizing this week, and asked Vlad to pay no attention to that woman beast who emerges from time to time.

We did manage to go to Galveston for a few hours to see my Mom, sister and nieces, who had rented a really cute house near the Seawall. We took them to Fisherman's Wharf restaurant, at the harbor. Amazingly good food. It's next to the cruise ship terminal, where Carnival's Ecstasy was in port, and we had a front-row view of the 1877 tall ship Elissa moored outside. The girls took the Elissa tour while Vlad and Mom and I got cool in the gift shop. (Cheapest and best souvenirs in all of Galveston). Then Vlad was fading, so I drove us home. It was so great to get out and do something fun. We both smiled for hours after.


Anonymous said...

Ode to Arnold

Poor Arnold. Alas, he did not survive the elements outside of his natural habitat. Sarah & Samantha both took great care of him and it was difficult to console the girls Thursday evening as they cried themselves to sleep.

A great funeral was held Friday morning on the beach where he originally washed ashore. We shall miss him.

Laura Weisman said...

I'm sorry to hear of Arnold's demise. My theory is the lime green walls of the beach house sent him into shock.